Deprecated: MwpWorkerResponder::callback(): Implicitly marking parameter $response as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 165

Deprecated: MWP_WordPress_Context::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $globals as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 28

Deprecated: MWP_WordPress_Context::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $constants as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 28

Deprecated: Symfony_EventDispatcher_EventDispatcher::dispatch(): Implicitly marking parameter $event as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 40

Deprecated: Symfony_EventDispatcher_EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch(): Implicitly marking parameter $event as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 36

Deprecated: MWP_Extension_HitCounter::increment(): Implicitly marking parameter $dateTime as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 37

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\create(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 32

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 44

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\ContainerBuilder::writeProxiesToFile(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyDirectory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 231

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\ReflectionBasedAutowiring::autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 17

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\Autowiring::autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 21

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionFile::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $autowiring as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 25

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionArray::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $autowiring as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 33

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionNormalizer::normalizeRootDefinition(): Implicitly marking parameter $wildcardsReplacements as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 42

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Proxy\ProxyFactory::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyDirectory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 38

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $definitionSource as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 87

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyFactory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 87

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $wrapperContainer as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 87

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\GuzzleHttp\Promise\queue(): Implicitly marking parameter $assign as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\GuzzleHttp\Promise\each(): Implicitly marking parameter $onFulfilled as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 247

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\GuzzleHttp\Promise\each(): Implicitly marking parameter $onRejected as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 247

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\GuzzleHttp\Promise\each_limit(): Implicitly marking parameter $onFulfilled as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 268

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\GuzzleHttp\Promise\each_limit(): Implicitly marking parameter $onRejected as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 268

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\GuzzleHttp\Promise\each_limit_all(): Implicitly marking parameter $onFulfilled as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 285

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Client::fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion(): Implicitly marking parameter $authHttp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 246

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Client::authorize(): Implicitly marking parameter $http as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 336

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AccessToken\Revoke::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $http as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 39

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AccessToken\Verify::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $http as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 62

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AccessToken\Verify::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $cache as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 62

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle6AuthHandler::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $cache as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 21

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle6AuthHandler::attachCredentials(): Implicitly marking parameter $tokenCallback as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 26

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle6AuthHandler::attachCredentialsCache(): Implicitly marking parameter $tokenCallback as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 34

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle5AuthHandler::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $cache as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 21

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle5AuthHandler::attachCredentials(): Implicitly marking parameter $tokenCallback as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 26

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle5AuthHandler::attachCredentialsCache(): Implicitly marking parameter $tokenCallback as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 34

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Http\REST::decodeHttpResponse(): Implicitly marking parameter $request as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 95

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Http\REST::decodeBody(): Implicitly marking parameter $request as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 114

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Http\REST::determineExpectedClass(): Implicitly marking parameter $request as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 122

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Http\REST::isAltMedia(): Implicitly marking parameter $request as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 143

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\Exception::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $previous as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 37

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Task\Composer::cleanup(): Implicitly marking parameter $filesystem as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 30

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Context::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $input as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 79

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Context::filter_entity_reference_url(): Implicitly marking parameter $entity as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 438

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Activation_Flag::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 51

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Uninstallation::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 79

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 83

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 83

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $credentials as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 83

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $google_proxy as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 83

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $profile as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 83

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $token as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 83

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::get_unsatisfied_scopes(): Implicitly marking parameter $scopes as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 213

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client::has_sufficient_scopes(): Implicitly marking parameter $scopes as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 238

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 119

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 119

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $credentials as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 119

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $google_proxy as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 119

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $profile as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 119

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\OAuth_Client_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $token as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 119

Deprecated: MailPoet\Exception::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $previous as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: MailPoet\Exception::create(): Implicitly marking parameter $previous as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 29

Deprecated: MailPoet\WP\Functions::getPosts(): Implicitly marking parameter $args as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 302

Deprecated: MailPoet\WP\Functions::escUrlRaw(): Implicitly marking parameter $protocols as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 867

Deprecated: Cron\CronExpression::factory(): Implicitly marking parameter $fieldFactory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 79

Deprecated: Cron\CronExpression::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $fieldFactory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 92

Deprecated: MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $premiumContainer as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: MailPoet\DI\ContainerConfigurator::getPremiumService(): Implicitly marking parameter $container as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 699

Deprecated: MailPoet\Doctrine\Repository::findBy(): Implicitly marking parameter $orderBy as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 47

Deprecated: MailPoet\Doctrine\Repository::findOneBy(): Implicitly marking parameter $orderBy as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 68

Deprecated: MailPoet\Doctrine\Repository::refreshAll(): Implicitly marking parameter $filter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 120

Deprecated: MailPoet\Doctrine\Repository::detachAll(): Implicitly marking parameter $filter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 148

Deprecated: MailPoet\WP\Emoji::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $wp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 17

Deprecated: MailPoet\Settings\TrackingConfig::isEmailTrackingEnabled(): Implicitly marking parameter $level as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 25

Deprecated: MailPoet\Settings\TrackingConfig::isCookieTrackingEnabled(): Implicitly marking parameter $level as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 30

Deprecated: MailPoet\Settings\TrackingConfig::areOpensMerged(): Implicitly marking parameter $opens as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 35

Deprecated: MailPoet\Settings\TrackingConfig::areOpensSeparated(): Implicitly marking parameter $opens as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 40

Deprecated: MailPoet\Entities\FormEntity::getBlocksByTypes(): Implicitly marking parameter $blocks as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 180

Deprecated: MailPoet\Logging\LogRepository::getLogs(): Implicitly marking parameter $dateFrom as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: MailPoet\Logging\LogRepository::getLogs(): Implicitly marking parameter $dateTo as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: MailPoet\Logging\LogRepository::getLogs(): Implicitly marking parameter $search as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: MailPoet\Logging\LogRepository::getLogs(): Implicitly marking parameter $offset as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: MailPoet\Logging\LogRepository::getLogs(): Implicitly marking parameter $limit as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Entities\SubscriberEntity::getSegments():510}(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriberSegment as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 510

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Entities\SubscriberEntity::cleanupSubscriberSegments():641}(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriberSegment as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 641

Deprecated: MailPoet\Config\TwigEnvironment::getTemplateClass(): Implicitly marking parameter $index as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 20

Deprecated: MailPoet\Twig\Assets::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $cdnAssetsUrl as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: MailPoet\Captcha\CaptchaPhrase::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $phraseBuilder as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 14

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Entities\NewsletterEntity::getSegmentIds():480}(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletterSegment as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 480

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Entities\NewsletterEntity::getOption():495}(): Implicitly marking parameter $option as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 495

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Entities\ScheduledTaskEntity::getSubscribersByProcessed():249}(): Implicitly marking parameter $taskSubscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 249

Deprecated: MailPoet\Entities\ScheduledTaskSubscriberEntity::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $error as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 62

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\DynamicSegments\Filters\EmailAction::createNotStatsJoinCondition(): Implicitly marking parameter $linkIds as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 197

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\DynamicSegments\Filters\WooFilterHelper::applyOrderStatusFilter(): Implicitly marking parameter $allowedStatuses as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 79

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Storage\AutomationStorage::getAutomation(): Implicitly marking parameter $versionId as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 132

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Storage\AutomationStorage::getAutomations(): Implicitly marking parameter $status as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 159

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Storage\AutomationStorage::getAutomationIdsBySubject(): Implicitly marking parameter $runStatus as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 190

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Storage\AutomationStorage::getAutomationIdsBySubject(): Implicitly marking parameter $inTheLastSeconds as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 190

Deprecated: MailPoet\Migrator\Migrator::run(): Implicitly marking parameter $logger as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 36

Deprecated: MailPoet\Mailer\MailerFactory::buildMailer(): Implicitly marking parameter $mailerConfig as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 51

Deprecated: MailPoet\Mailer\MailerFactory::buildMailer(): Implicitly marking parameter $sender as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 51

Deprecated: MailPoet\Mailer\MailerFactory::buildMailer(): Implicitly marking parameter $replyTo as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 51

Deprecated: MailPoet\Mailer\MailerFactory::buildMailer(): Implicitly marking parameter $returnPath as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 51

Deprecated: MailPoet\Mailer\MailerFactory::getSenderNameAndAddress(): Implicitly marking parameter $sender as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 126

Deprecated: MailPoet\Mailer\MailerFactory::getReplyToNameAndAddress(): Implicitly marking parameter $replyTo as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 139

Deprecated: MailPoet\Mailer\MetaInfo::getWordPressTransactionalMetaInfo(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getConfirmationUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 41

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getConfirmUnsubscribeUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 46

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getConfirmUnsubscribeUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $queueId as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 46

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getManageUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 52

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getUnsubscribeUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 57

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getUnsubscribeUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $queueId as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 57

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getReEngagementUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 63

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscription\SubscriptionUrlFactory::getSubscriptionUrl(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 71

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Renderer\Renderer::render(): Implicitly marking parameter $sendingQueue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 74

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Renderer\Renderer::_render(): Implicitly marking parameter $sendingQueue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 82

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Renderer\Preprocessor::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $sendingQueue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 54

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Renderer\Preprocessor::processBlock(): Implicitly marking parameter $sendingQueue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 80

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Renderer\Blocks\AbandonedCartContent::render(): Implicitly marking parameter $sendingQueue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Newsletter\Renderer\Blocks\AbandonedCartContent::render():44}(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletterOption as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 44

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Newsletter\Renderer\Blocks\AbandonedCartContent::render():49}(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletterOption as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 49

Deprecated: MailPoet\Util\License\Features\Subscribers::isSubscribersCountEnoughForCache(): Implicitly marking parameter $count as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 91

Deprecated: MailPoet\Statistics\Track\Unsubscribes::track(): Implicitly marking parameter $queueId as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 38

Deprecated: MailPoet\Statistics\Track\Unsubscribes::track(): Implicitly marking parameter $meta as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 38

Deprecated: MailPoet\Entities\StatisticsUnsubscribeEntity::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 72

Deprecated: MailPoet\Entities\StatisticsUnsubscribeEntity::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 72

Deprecated: MailPoet\Form\Renderer::renderHTML(): Implicitly marking parameter $form as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 47

Deprecated: MailPoet\Form\Renderer::getCustomStyles(): Implicitly marking parameter $form as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 54

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\SegmentSubscribersRepository::findSubscribersIdsInSegment(): Implicitly marking parameter $candidateIds as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 44

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\SegmentSubscribersRepository::getSubscribersCount(): Implicitly marking parameter $status as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 52

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\SegmentSubscribersRepository::getSubscribersCountBySegmentIds(): Implicitly marking parameter $status as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 58

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\SegmentSubscribersRepository::loadSubscriberIdsInSegment(): Implicitly marking parameter $candidateIds as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 375

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\SegmentSubscribersRepository::filterSubscribersInStaticSegment(): Implicitly marking parameter $status as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 400

Deprecated: MailPoet\Segments\SegmentSubscribersRepository::filterSubscribersInDynamicSegment(): Implicitly marking parameter $status as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 423

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscribers\RequiredCustomFieldValidator::validate(): Implicitly marking parameter $form as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 28

Deprecated: MailPoet\Subscribers\RequiredCustomFieldValidator::getCustomFields(): Implicitly marking parameter $form as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 53

Deprecated: MailPoet\Config\HooksWooCommerce::onRegister(): Implicitly marking parameter $userEmail as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 151

Deprecated: MailPoet\Services\Bridge::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $settingsController as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 57

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getBatchStatistics(): Implicitly marking parameter $from as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 69

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getBatchStatistics(): Implicitly marking parameter $to as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 69

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getAllForSubscriber(): Implicitly marking parameter $limit as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 137

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getAllForSubscriber(): Implicitly marking parameter $offset as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 137

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getTotalSentCounts(): Implicitly marking parameter $from as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 198

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getTotalSentCounts(): Implicitly marking parameter $to as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 198

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getStatisticCounts(): Implicitly marking parameter $from as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 232

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getStatisticCounts(): Implicitly marking parameter $to as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 232

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getWooCommerceRevenues(): Implicitly marking parameter $from as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 273

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Statistics\NewsletterStatisticsRepository::getWooCommerceRevenues(): Implicitly marking parameter $to as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 273

Deprecated: MailPoet\Services\AuthorizedEmailsController::onNewsletterSenderAddressUpdate(): Implicitly marking parameter $oldSenderAddress as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 167

Deprecated: MailPoet\Services\AuthorizedEmailsController::updateMailerLog(): Implicitly marking parameter $error as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 249

Deprecated: MailPoet\WP\DateTime::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $wp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 19

Deprecated: MailPoet\Cron\Workers\StatsNotifications\Worker::prepareContext(): Implicitly marking parameter $link as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 144

Deprecated: MailPoet\Config\Menu::isOnMailPoetAdminPage(): Implicitly marking parameter $exclude as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 717

Deprecated: MailPoet\Config\Menu::checkPremiumKey(): Implicitly marking parameter $checker as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 768

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Shortcodes::setNewsletter(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 66

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Shortcodes::setSubscriber(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 70

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Shortcodes::setQueue(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 74

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Date::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 14

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Date::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 14

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Date::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 14

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\CategoryInterface::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 13

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\CategoryInterface::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 13

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\CategoryInterface::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 13

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Link::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 44

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Link::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 44

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Link::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 44

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Link::processShortcodeAction(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 123

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Link::processShortcodeAction(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 123

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Link::processShortcodeAction(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 123

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Newsletter::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 29

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Newsletter::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 29

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Newsletter::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 29

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Subscriber::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 32

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Subscriber::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 32

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Subscriber::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 32

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Site::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $newsletter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 23

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Site::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriber as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 23

Deprecated: MailPoet\Newsletter\Shortcodes\Categories\Site::process(): Implicitly marking parameter $queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 23

Deprecated: MailPoet\Util\Notices\UnauthorizedEmailNotice::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\WordPress::getPosts(): Implicitly marking parameter $args as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 74

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Registry::getTemplates(): Implicitly marking parameter $category as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 104

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Registry::onBeforeAutomationStepSave(): Implicitly marking parameter $key as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 260

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Storage\AutomationRunStorage::getAutomationStepStatisticForTimeFrame(): Implicitly marking parameter $versionId as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 224

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Control\StepScheduler::scheduleProgress(): Implicitly marking parameter $timestamp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 29

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Control\StepScheduler::scheduleNextStep(): Implicitly marking parameter $timestamp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 35

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Control\StepScheduler::scheduleNextStepByIndex(): Implicitly marking parameter $timestamp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 52

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Control\StepScheduler::scheduleStepAction(): Implicitly marking parameter $timestamp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 101

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Storage\AutomationRunLogStorage::getAutomationRunStatisticsForAutomationInTimeFrame(): Implicitly marking parameter $versionId as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 38

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Integrations\MailPoet\Fields\SubscriberAutomationFieldsFactory::getAutomationIds(): Implicitly marking parameter $status as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 72

Deprecated: {closure:MailPoet\Automation\Integrations\MailPoet\Fields\SubscriberCustomFieldsFactory::getCustomFieldValue():147}(): Implicitly marking parameter $subscriberCustomField as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 147

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Integrations\MailPoet\Actions\SendEmailAction::storeNewsletterOption(): Implicitly marking parameter $optionValue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 356

Deprecated: MailPoet\Entities\StatisticsNewsletterEntity::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $sentAt as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 47

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Integrations\WooCommerce\Fields\CustomerOrderFieldsFactory::getOrderProductTermIds(): Implicitly marking parameter $inTheLastSeconds as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 338

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Integrations\WooCommerce\Fields\CustomerReviewFieldsFactory::getUniqueProductReviewCount(): Implicitly marking parameter $inTheLastSeconds as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 59

Deprecated: Updraft_Logger::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $logger as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 24

Deprecated: Pods\Container\Container_DI52::bind(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: Pods\Container\Container_DI52::singleton(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 83

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Container::singleton(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 155

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Container::bind(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 533

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Container::singletonDecorators(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 579

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Container::getDecoratorBuilder(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 595

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Container::bindDecorators(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 629

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Container::instance(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 808

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Builders\Resolver::resolveWithArgs(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 177

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Builders\Resolver::resolve(): Implicitly marking parameter $buildLine as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 204

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Builders\Resolver::cloneBuilder(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 278

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Builders\Factory::getBuilder(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 63

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Builders\ClassBuilder::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 82

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Builders\ClassBuilder::reinit(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 243

Deprecated: Pods\Prefixed\lucatume\DI52\Builders\ReinitializableBuilderInterface::reinit(): Implicitly marking parameter $afterBuildMethods as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 29

Deprecated: Pods\REST\V1\Endpoints\Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $post_repository as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 79

Deprecated: Pods\REST\V1\Endpoints\Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $validator as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 79

Deprecated: Pods\REST\V1\Endpoints\Base::get_by_args(): Implicitly marking parameter $request as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 491

Deprecated: Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\PluginsHelper::install_plugins(): Implicitly marking parameter $logger as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 220

Deprecated: Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\PluginsHelper::activate_plugins(): Implicitly marking parameter $logger as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 423

Deprecated: Freemius::maybe_activate_bundle_license(): Implicitly marking parameter $license as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 7707

Deprecated: Freemius::set_license(): Implicitly marking parameter $license as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 12315

Deprecated: Freemius::switch_to_blog(): Implicitly marking parameter $install as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 15560

Deprecated: Freemius::_activate_addon_account(): Implicitly marking parameter $bundle_license as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 18039

Deprecated: Freemius::_store_site(): Implicitly marking parameter $site as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 19638

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\User_Input\User_Input::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 94

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\User_Input\User_Input::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 94

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\User_Input\User_Input::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $survey_queue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 94

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Authentication::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 237

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Authentication::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 237

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Authentication::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $transients as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 237

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Authentication::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_input as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 237

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Modules::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 168

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Modules::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 168

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Modules::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $authentication as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 168

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Modules::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 168

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 135

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 135

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $authentication as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 135

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 135

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 186

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 186

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $authentication as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 186

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 186

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\AdSense::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 109

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\AdSense::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 109

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\AdSense::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $authentication as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 109

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\AdSense::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 109

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Google_Proxy::send_site_fields(): Implicitly marking parameter $credentials as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 445

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Reset_Audiences::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 77

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Dismissals\Dismissals::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 49

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Expirables\Expirables::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 51

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Permissions\Permissions::user_has_shared_role(): Implicitly marking parameter $shared_roles as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 604

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin\Screens::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 84

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin\Screens::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $modules as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 84

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin\Screens::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $authentication as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 84

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Tracking\Tracking::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 68

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Tracking\Tracking::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $screens as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 68

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin_Bar\Admin_Bar::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 87

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin_Bar\Admin_Bar::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $modules as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 87

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin\Dashboard::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 71

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin\Dashboard::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $modules as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 71

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Admin\Authorize_Application::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 52

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Notifications\Notifications::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 84

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Notifications\Notifications::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $authentication as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 84

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Activation_Notice::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $assets as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 61

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Feature_Tours\Feature_Tours::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 49

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Migration_1_3_0::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 62

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Migration_1_3_0::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 62

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Migration_1_8_1::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 80

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Migration_1_8_1::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 80

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Migration_1_8_1::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $authentication as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 80

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Migration_1_123_0::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 80

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Migration_1_129_0::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 78

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Dashboard_Sharing\Dashboard_Sharing::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 67

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Dashboard_Sharing\Activity_Metrics\Activity_Metrics::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 41

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Key_Metrics\Key_Metrics::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 71

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Key_Metrics\Key_Metrics::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 71

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Prompts\Prompts::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $user_options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 49

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Consent_Mode\Consent_Mode::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 66

Deprecated: Google\Site_Kit\Core\Conversion_Tracking\Conversion_Tracking::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $options as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 84

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_active_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 352

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_active_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 352

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_style_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 799

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_style_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 799

Deprecated: Elementor\Elements_Manager::create_element_instance(): Implicitly marking parameter $element_type as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 70

Deprecated: Elementor\Element_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $args as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 1569

Deprecated: Elementor\Repeater::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $args as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 49

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection::filter(): Implicitly marking parameter $callback as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 43

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 62

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::setClassName(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 75

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::setLazy(): Implicitly marking parameter $lazy as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 158

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ObjectCreator::setPrivatePropertyValue(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 158

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ParameterResolver::resolveParameters(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 34

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ParameterResolver::resolveParameters(): Implicitly marking parameter $method as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 34

Deprecated: MailPoet\Config\Capabilities::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $wp as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 20

Deprecated: MailPoet\AutomaticEmails\WooCommerce\Events\FirstPurchase::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $helper as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 41

Deprecated: MailPoet\AutomaticEmails\WooCommerce\Events\PurchasedInCategory::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $woocommerceHelper as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 39

Deprecated: MailPoet\AutomaticEmails\WooCommerce\Events\PurchasedProduct::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $helper as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 40

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Data\Automation::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $id as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Data\Automation::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $versionId as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 55

Deprecated: MailPoet\Validator\Builder::array(): Implicitly marking parameter $items as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 40

Deprecated: MailPoet\Validator\Builder::object(): Implicitly marking parameter $properties as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 46

Deprecated: MailPoet\EmailEditor\Validator\Builder::array(): Implicitly marking parameter $items as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 30

Deprecated: MailPoet\EmailEditor\Validator\Builder::object(): Implicitly marking parameter $properties as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/greensh1/ on line 34

Warning: Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined in /home/greensh1/ on line 80

Warning: Constant WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined in /home/greensh1/ on line 81
Pickle Pie: A Cyberpink Story Review - Sci Fi Cadre

Pickle Pie: A Cyberpink Story

Pickle Pie: A Cyberpink Story is a cyberpunk gladiator sports novella set in a future Greece where the old gods are alive and well. Pickle, or Patty Roo, is a jugger athlete, part of Cyberpink. Cyberpink combines gladiator fighting with a capture the flag similar to some PvP arena battles in MMO games. Hector Troy is an armorer. He is also Patty’s reluctant owner.